Belum Caves: Amazing Cave Exploration – My 50th Post


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Overview: One of the greatest wonders of nature I have seen is the Belum Caves, a 3.5 kms long cave discovered by a German explorer in the 1980s and was thrown open to the public in 2002. This also happens to be my 50th post after a silent start in May 2011. The Caves have the following sights to admire according to the board displayed at the entrance:
1) Meditation Room
2) Thousand Hoods
3) Mantapam
4) Banyan Tree Hall
5) Maya Mandir
6) Patala ganga
7) Stalactites and Stalagmites
8) Pit holes in the ceilings
9) Lines and fracture in the passage

It is believed that in ancient times many sages used to meditate inside the caves. Also some of the ancient Buddhist and Jain relics have been found inside the caves.
The beginning of our exploration started with a spacious hall and the passage got narrower as we got inside the cave. At some point its quite difficult to squeeze through the walls. The highlight of our trip was Paatalaganga, where there was a pond of water deep inside the caves where water kept dripping from the stalactites.


Its a magical experience and one has to visit these caves to admire nature's wonderful creation. More details on the cave can be read here.

How to reach: Bus: From Bangalore, there are direct buses to Tadipatri. From there the buses going towards Banaganapalli go via Belum Caves.
Car: From Bangalore, head on NH7 towards Hyderabad road, at Anantapur, turn right and move towards Tadipatri. Proceed further 30kms to reach Belum Caves. The total distance from Bangalore to Belum Caves is around 300 km. The roads are pretty good all the way.

Food/Accommodation: Dormitory facilities available at Belum caves by APTDC.


  1. Congratulations on your 50th post and the photography is awesome. Exciting place.

  2. WOW for the photos.
    CONGRATS for the half century.

  3. Nice ... I had never heard of Belum ... Great pictures ... thanks for sharing the info.

  4. Congratulations on your 50th post and best wishes for many more to come. Lovely write up and great photographs of a place that I had not heard about.

  5. congrats on 1/2 century...nice pics.

  6. Wow, classic stuff... and may your 50 multiply into hundreds soon :)

  7. wow, nice pics...have visited belgaum, never thought that there were places like these bad!! btw some of the shots looked straight out of 127 hours!!

  8. Lovely shots! you probably have to share the camera settings. Well I was wondering how to speand couple of days. This looks to be the best. Any other location near by?

  9. Lovely shots! you probably have to share the camera settings. Well I was wondering how to speand couple of days. This looks to be the best. Any other location near by?

    1. @Sudhir: You can probably cover Gandikota and Belum Caves.. But u need 2 full days so that u can appreciate the beauty of these places..

  10. Superb pictures!

    Another interesting cave formations of Andhra Pradesh is Borra Caves near Vishakapatnam.

  11. I have never explored a cave. Looks beautiful. Add to to-do list. Check.

  12. Awesome place dude .. I neva knoew about this place beofre i read ur blog. Keep up the good work .. Congrats on ur 50th post .. !!!

  13. A 3.5 km cave? Another interesting post and outstanding pictures.
    Congrats on hitting half a century, Arun.

  14. Brilliant shots! Congrats on your 50th post and keep going!

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