San Francisco, CA: A Colourful experience


Overview: After a couple of years of blogging on my travel within India, I am starting a section on my overseas travel as well with pictures.
Starting in this series, I take you through the streets of San Francisco. Named as Bangalore's sister city, its a pleasure wandering through the city with glimpses of different modes of transport like cable cars, MUNI, BART, Ferry and city buses.
One popular tourist destination is the Pier 39 near Fisherman's Wharf. Its always a pleasant experience to have a walk along the Pier with lot of street performances and eateries. One can see several California Sea Lions at Fisherman's Wharf showing off their dances and performances.

Golden Gate Bridge: Be in San Francisco and you cannot miss one of the wonders of Modern world, the Golden Gate bridge. This bridge links the SFO Bay area with the Pacific ocean coast. Used widely by motorists, this bridge also provides a sidewalk for the pedestrians.

Coit Tower: Located on top of the Telegraph Hill, this tower was built in 1933. One gets a panoramic view of the San Francisco city from the top of the hill.

Alcatraz Island: A small island just off Fisherman’s wharf, was used as a military prison in the late 19th century. We took a cruise to Alcatraz island from Pier 39 passing under Golden Gate bridge.

Although there are lot many places to see in the city of San Francisco itself, I believe the pictures say more than the words for this wonderful place.

Some of the trips I did when in San Francisco are to Daly City, Berkeley and Sausalito which I would cover in my future posts.


  1. SanFran is such an architecturally dreamy place, I sure wanna go there once in my life.

    Nice post and pictures :)

    Defiant Princess

  2. Lovely captivating and charming pics of SF !


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