Mekedatu: A Goat’s leap

Mekedatu: A Goat’s leap

Overview: Mekedatu is probably the last popular tourist destination on the Cauvery basin on the Karnataka's side. Once the Cauvery crosses Makedatu, it enters Tamil Nadu at Hogenakkal. To reach Mekedatu, we have to first cross Sangama, meaning confluence of rivers. There is a small temple as well at Sangama. We crossed the river by foot which was around knee deep to the other side. It was fun crossing the river as we rarely get a chance to do that.
On reaching the other side of the river, we have some old discarded buses which take us to Makedatu. There are no proper roads to reach Mekedatu. The roads are suited only for a 4X4 vehicle. The condition of the vehicle and the roads combined was a horrific experience. We somehow managed to reach Mekedatu in around 30 minutes. We could hear the Cauvery roaring from a distance. We couldn't wait to reach there and quickly made our way into the rocky boulders.
We have to cross massive rocks which are very light in colour and are in weird shapes as if they have been carved out. They look like volcanic rocks formed out of eruptions many years ago. We reached the sandy land path and finally had a glimpse of Cauvery cutting through a narrow gorge. Mekedatu translates to 'Goat's leap' in Kannada which means there is space for a goat to leap through to the other end of the gorge. We spent some time near the Cauvery hearing its flow and then headed back through the same route.
Mekedatu MekedatuMekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu  Mekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu Mekedatu 
How to reach: Bus: KSRTC buses ply regularly from Bangalore to Sangama.
By Bike/Car: Take the NH209 to Kanakapura, at Kanakapura, head towards Sangama. Sangama is around 90 kms from Bangalore. From Sangama, cross the river to the other side and board a bus to Mekedatu.
Food/Accommodation: Not many options available for food on the way. Its advisable to carry home food.

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  1. beautiful location so calm and serene!

  2. Nice post!

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  5. Wonderful picture gallery!

  6. Makedatu is very popular tourist destination, very nice post and photo, thanks for sharing information about Makedatu place,i like this information.
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